We help clients to successfully implement, maintain and continually improve their occupational health and safety management systems (OH&SMS), and achieve ISO 45001 certification.

Our expert consultants and tutors offer on-premise services across the UK and virtual services globally.

In over 40 years of consulting experience we have:

  • helped thousands of organisations to implement their management systems
  • worked with business of all sizes, including sole traders, FTSE 100 organisation and certification bodies
  • achieved approval from CQI and IRCA as well as IOSH for our training courses

How we can help

ISO 45001 Consultants undertake ISO 45001 Gap Analysis

ISO 45001 gap analysis

A gap analysis is used to understand what changes to the existing OH&S system are necessary to achieve ISO 45001 certification.

We will provide a written report highlighting where your system does not meet the requirements of ISO 45001 and any opportunities for improvement. The findings can be used to form an ISO 45001 implementation plan.

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Auditing Against ISO 45001

Auditing against ISO 45001

Auditing the OH&SMS provides an opportunity to check conformance to the OH&S policy and OH&S objectives and ensure the management system is effectively implemented and maintained.

From undertaking a pre-assessment audit or internal audit to assisting your staff with the process, our Occupational Health and Safety consultants can provide as much support as required.

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Developing OHSMS Documentation

Developing OH&S system documentation

ISO 45001 outlines which documented information shall be retained by organisations including the OH&S policy and OH&S objectives.

Our ISO 45001 consultants can advise, review and write your OH&SMS documentation including documents required by ISO 45001 and necessary documentation to support the effectiveness of your OH&SMS.

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ISO 45001 Auditor Training

ISO 45001 training programmes

Our consultants can help you create a programme of OH&SMS training that will enable your organisation to be self-sufficient in implementing, auditing and continually improving your OH&S management systems.

Our ISO 45001 training courses includes our CQI and IRCA ISO 45001 Lead Auditor training course and our IOSH Introduction to ISO 45001. Our courses can take place at your premises, at venues across the UK and within our Virtual Classroom.

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ISO 45001 Consultant assess ISO 45001 Compliance Obligations

Compliance obligations

ISO 45001 requires organisations to determine and evaluate compliance to legal requirements and other requirements applicable to the organisation.

Our ISO 45001 consultant will identify the requirements applicable to your organisation, review the controls you have in place and your process for evaluating compliance. A written report with recommendations will be provided.

Speak to us

If you would like to speak to someone about how we can support your organisation call our team on 0333 123 9001 or contact us.

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