IRCA-certified auditors needing to upgrade their IRCA status, QMS auditors, quality professionals, and anyone who is looking to transition from ISO 9001:2008 to ISO 9001:2015, will need to understand how to interpret and audit against the new requirements.
With a greater emphasis on risk-based thinking and involvement of top management, auditors will need to gain new insights, leadership skills and knowledge to assess the new requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Click to see more
Transitioning to ISO 9001:2015 – Meet the New Requirements with Confidence
14 Sep, 2016 | ISO 9001
With the FDIS 9001:2015 now released and the final standard due for release next month, now is the time to start thinking about how you and your team comply with the changes to ISO 9001 and fully understand the implications that these changes will have for businesses and auditors alike. Click to see more
The PDCA Cycle: Is It Still a Valid Tool for ISO 9001?
14 Sep, 2016 | ISO 9001
Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) has been the underpinning principle of the process approach to quality management for many years, yet is it sufficient to drive improvement for today’s competitive industry?
With the newly released ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015, the PDCA cycle maintains its prominent position as the improvement tool of choice in both these standards. However, there are other continuous improvement tools available so how do these stack up against PDCA?Click to see more
How Has ISO 14001:2015 Been Received so Far?
14 Sep, 2016 | ISO 14001
The revised standard ISO 14001:2015 has been with us for little under three months and the breadth and range of the standard’s interrelationships is beginning to sink in.
This discussion paper reviews some initial observations and implications and looks at what questions are being asked as organisations begin to get to grips with the new requirements. Click to see more